what responsibilities and duties are required


So, what is this audit? Essentially, it compares the pay of workers performing “like for like” work and looking into reasons behind any pay gaps or disparities that can’t be justified by factors magazinehouse.us such as experience, job performance, tenure, or some other legit business reason.

Why should you care about pay equity? Well, do you care about better efficiency, productivity, and innovation? Because that’s a taste of what you’re likely to get if you do.

Establishes Standards

You’re setting forth what responsibilities and duties are required for a job that pays X amount when you create a job description. This sets consistent standards. If a worker’s output falls short of a co-worker’s magazinepot.com , you can point to that if a demotion or termination is in order. If you paid that work equitably, he or she won’t truly be able to blame inequitable treatment o malibutimes.net r lack of drive for their subpar performance.

Creates Team Players

Internal pay   don’t want to hear, “Thomas makes more than I do so if we collaborate, he’ll have to do most of the work.” If you’re fair with your pay, your employees will better “play well with others.”

So, you can see that ensuring internal and external pay equity is beneficial to you and your employees. However, putting more of a premium on in-house fairness can result in fewer lawsuits and a happier, more productive workplace.


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